Friday Morning

Well I had a good day yesterday also. 2 in row.....I can see a pattern here. I continue to be cautiously optimistic. I walked a short distance yesterday ( to get the mail ) but I did move. My knee is hurting pretty much all the time by now. I will climb on the treadclimber here at work and see what happens. Maybe I just need to push thru the pain. I made salomon for dinner last night. It was yummy. It was pre-spiced and I just poped it in the oven. Then a big plate of squash and low cal jello. I am still sleeping well. My mind is clearer, and I talked with my GYN yesterday and I am going off the anti depressants and I am going to try hormones. Thank You 55 for your comments, great minds think alike. I am really getting the hang of work without anyone here. I really have enjoyed it this week, well Angelene was here more this week, but still.

I don't have any big plans for the week end. Possibly a movie ( cause that's what I always do ) It's suppose to get up to 75 degrees today. I should be outside with my grandkids.......which I will do for sure. I want to clean my tiny little place over the weekend. It's always tidy, but I want it to be clean. I am not a fussy housekeeper, but I am not the worst either.

I could relate to what Dawn ( fixing myself thin ) was saying yesterday, I need to get a hobby find something to do with my free time. I really, I have oodles of free time. I am sick of the TV. I have said no I don't want to go so many times that people have quit asking me to with them. That includes my daughter. They aren't being mean, I think they decided to just accept it. Anyway, there are many worthwhile things to do, just pick one already. HERE'S TO A GEAT WEEKEND


  1. I would love to have extra time ;) .........grab it and run!!


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