funny thing
I was on facebook and found the last love of my life. That ended almost 9 years ago, and I thought of him fondly...even though the relationship was a train wreck. I think the not knowing about him, what he was up to, all that, made him seem better then he really was. We have been talking back and forth on FB, and this morning I looked at the picture and thought to myself. YUCK.....and something to the effect of "I dodged that bullet". His marriage has fallen apart, he is still immature, even for a man of 45. My 19 year old son is more mature the he is (actually he's more mature then me too ). The best part about all this is that the old BF is not appealing. I might have developed jackass teflon......where they just slide off me. Instead of me sticking to them. lol. I will count that has a big insight for the day!
I got a good smile from this post "jackass teflon", thanks, I needed that today.