Do I have any bidders

Good morning! I was up and out the door to walk this at 5:30 am. Walked about 3 miles with my neighbor and had a nice chat. What a great way to start the day! I have a NSV to share ( I found out what that ment ) I am fitting comfortably into a size 18, and really can't wear my size 20's anymore. I have to keep pulling them up! So yea! I need to go the food store. I really hate to go. However, I do like to eat. Tracking is going better, and I am OP. Trying to drink at least half gallon of water today.

I am putting an offer in on 2 houses so we'll see what happens. I switched realtors and this kid is a go gettter! I called the other guy yesterday, and he still hasn't called me back. This kid has already got me into see the homes I wanted to see, plus he will have the offers ready today. Feeling good about the move, still alittle scared, but truly what have I got to loose. One house is just one street behind my daughter. She is excited too.

Today I feel confident in me. It's a good feeling

Have a good confident! You can do it!


  1. Glad your day is off to such a grand start!And it started early. 5:30! I wish i was a morning exercise person . Get up get out get overwith. And the few times i have done it i was always glad i did it. But its just not really me. Today i went out and ran in 80 degree sunny, windy and whew i'am just not a warm weather runner. Lately i've been able to run 3 1/2 or so miles without having to stop and walk but today i had to stop at the beginning of the 3rd mile, walk for a minute then finish. Not a good sign. I'm great up until about 75 degrees get close to 80 and it really wears me down. I have my fingers crossed for you a house. We love owning our own house.Jinx!

  2. "food store"? Don't you mean grocery store? Made me chuckle.

    WTG on the pants!!!!! You're going to have to change your name from "fatty mc Butter pants" to FANCY pants!

  3. Fancy Pants, indeed! Fingers crossed on the housing deal. It's so exciting!

  4. Great NSV and good luck with the houses!

  5. What a great day you're having! Yay for you! And what a great NSV! That is absolutely fantastic!

    And... good luck with the house search! :)

  6. Congrats on the NSV! Woo-hoo!

    Best wishes with the new house!

  7. Good morning my new bloggin buddy. Thanks for the visit and the thoughtful comment. You confirmed my decision not to take the diet pills. Thank you so much.

    Hey it took me the longest time to figure out what NSV meant. Now that I know, I have them all the time. The ones that involve going down in sizes are the best. I recently discovered kid's shoes!!

    I know tracking is a chore but it is worth it to look back and figure out what works and what doesn't. You are doing great!!!

    When I have time, I'll come back and read some of your older posts to get to know you better. I love making new blog friends. BTW, your grandkids are adorable. Have a great day.


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