off the subject.

Okay, this really isn't weight loss realted, only in the sense that I was on my walk when this happened. My neighbor asked if I would look after her cats while she is away this week. I said yes, even though I don't know her very well, and she is a ...well a "cat woman". I had not been there since Monday. While I was there this morning, while I was on my walk, I didn't see any cats. She has 4. So I was kind of freaked out. I don't want to be the neighbor that killed the I went looking in the apartment for signs of kitty. When I went in her room to look for them I was SHOCKED to see HUGE WALL PAINTING OF A CAT. If was like something you would see in a B horror movie. I was waiting for the walls to bleed ( insert scream ). Anyway, last time I do something this neighborly! Plus, the place smelled so BAD. How does someone live like that. Not that I judge ( whatever )

Food is good, on plan. I had a small dish ( 1/2 cup ) of low fat forzen yogurt last night. That stuff was AWESOME! Yummy. Walk alittle this morning, but I will do more on treadmill later. No word on the houses yet. It's hard to get everyone do jump when you need them too. I guess people are allowed to have

I have my book club tonight. I love to read! This month's book is Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortensen. I think this is an extremely important book for the Western world to read. ESPECIALLY with what's going on in Paskistan right now. This man's mission is to build schools there and in Afganistan. Another book I am reading right now is the biography of Warren Buffet. People's real lives are so much more interesting then fiction. At least I think so.

I downloaded an episode of The Closer to watch while I walk on the treadclimber....Brenda lee Johnson rocks. I love that show.

Be Positive.....good day!


  1. LOL I don't understand "cat" people. lol 4 Cats=smelly apartment. thats gross! lol

    I love frozen yogurt! We have a great place that is self serve ( which can be dangerous!) They have amazing flavors!

    :) happy day to you!


  2. Haha, that cat painting sounds awesome. Shoulda snagged us a pic! I love people's little oddities. I prefer reading biographies and things like that also. You can't make some of this stuff up.

  3. You are doing so great. Your attitude is so different than when I first visited!! I am PROUD of you!!!!!!!!! I don't think you should call yourself fatty McButter pants need something way more encouraging and strong...YOU ARE STRONG!!!!!!!!! I enjoy hearing about your life!!!! Happy day to you my friend!! Les

  4. I'm curious...did you ever find the kitties????

    4 cats do not equal a smelly house, IF you take care of them properly. The problem is that some people are lazy and don't do it!

  5. DO you watch "The Office"? There was a great episode where Angela has installed a Cat Cam so she can watch her cats while at work.

    She goes home & forgets to turn it off. She's caught licking the cats.

    Hope that's not part of your job description.

  6. Didn't find the kitties yet, I am going back after work and see if the food I put out is gone. That way I know they are alive! Nothing against cat owers who take care of their home and pet.

    And LICKING cats isn't in my job description...twinkles your a hoot!

  7. NO you didn't offend me..I was responding to a comment that TJ had made about 4 cats = smelly apartment!

    I'd say look under the beds and in the closets!!

  8. At the risk of REALLY offending cat lovers everywhere...I took care of 2 cats for 4 days a few years ago. Never once saw them, food always disappeared, litter box always full. I just think they are sneaky little fur balls. But hey, that's just my opinion probably related to the fact I'm deathly allergic to them.

  9. 3 Cups of Tea is an amazing book and you are right, so important and relevant! You might also like THe KiteRUnner. It is fiction, but so so good!

  10. off topic.
    ok I didnt love 3 Cups!
    It was "fine" but didnt hold my interest that well.
    Perhaps its because I thought Id love it?

    Now A Thousand Splendid Suns? LOVE!


  11. I can recommend Kite Runner and a Thousand Splendid Suns, both fabulous books, oh and the Bookseller of Kabul.

    LOL at the cat lady - you are a good neighbour!

  12. I have read both Thousand Suns and The Kite Runner. I think I liked Suns bettter then Runner. Suns focused on the women of Afganistan. I will try Bookseller of Kabul. If you like the above books, you would like the Kabul Beauty School. That was good too.


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