Feeling lighter

I am feeling much lighter today. The auditors are gone, we did great. It was actually very fun. It got me to thinking, (I know, I smell smoke too) Mizfit left me a comment about her victory this week. She did something that she was worried about, but it was NOT as bad as she thought. I could so relate to that! IT NEVER IS. But do you think that I can or want to remember that when I am in the middle of freak out. I worried for weeks about this this past week. What a friggin waste of time. I had a great time having them here. I laughed alot, and I realized how much I miss having someone here with me in the office.

I have been tracking very well. Drinking lots of water and I walked 3 miles this morning before I left for work. I have a buddy that I walk with in the mornings. I got up and did an extra mile before I met up with her. I felt lighter!

NSV's......well yesterday I was just sitting there minding my own business and I casually crossed my legs....and I COULD!!! I was able to cross my legs, almost comfortable, i.e. they didn't slide off 2 seconds after I put them there. I was stunned! I went to a differant chair. Sometimes it's easier in some chairs. Same thing. I was happy. I felt lighter!

Have a LIGHTER day!


  1. Oh, how much time I spend "awfulizing" things that cause me fear. I'm working on dropping that non-productive habit. I don't have to run for cover anymore. I CAN handle whatever comes my way. I can cope. I am able. And you are too!

    You are doing great!

  2. Glad everything went well and you had fun!

    I LOVE your NSV! I can't wait until I can do that. Congrats!

  3. I love your blog and I cant wait until I can cross my legs and not loose the circulation in one, or sit on the couch with my knees to my chest w/o my stomach gettin in the way!!!

  4. Woot woot on the NSV! And, I wish there was a way for all of us to remind ourselves that things do tend to turn out less badly that we worry they will. Good reminder of that one! I like Roxie's word, "awfulizing."

  5. Congratulaions on the leg crossing!

  6. WOOO HOOOO!!!! The leg crossing is huge huge huge! Way to go girl!! Now go cross those legs!

  7. Having a walking buddy must really help. I'd give my right arm for a buddy. And crossing your legs is awesome!Jinx!

  8. Congrats on being able to cross your legs!
    I see people in class crossing their legs all the time and my legs either start to hurt or they just slide off after about five minutes.
    I can't wait to be able to keep them on there.

  9. I am so glad your worries are over - and so jealous about the leg-crossing!

    Happy for you really! x

  10. Thanks for the post, This is laurie from Metamorphosis, so many LAURIEs on here. We were just in AZ last month my in laws live in Kingman. Keep up the good work and WILL POWER!! We are eachothers support and we can do this together!!!

    Laurie M

  11. Great job getting a workout in before going to work. Water is huge, half your body weight in oz's is ideal. Keep up the good work.

  12. I'm such a chronic worrier - can't seem to help myself...but I'm working on it.

    Love that you can cross you legs now. What a sweet victory (no sugar added!) Keep up the good work!

  13. Big SMILE!! Crossing my legs without them falling off was one of my bestest NSV's. It still amazes me that I can do it and now the one on top even dangles down the way it should, or almost anyway.

  14. You have made some awesome accomplishments! 3 miles is fantastic!!!!


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