not the swine flu....

I was sick for Mother's Day. Still sick today, but came to work. Since I am going to be the only one in the office I don't think I will get anyone else sick. I feel like my head is going to explode amd I have cold sweats. Not not mention the ever popular Rocky Mountain Quick Step ( the runs ) Yippy! One good thing....I should weigh less tonight at weigh in. I haven't had hardly anything to eat in 2 days.

Hoping to feel better quick. I am flying to Utah on Wed. with my daughter and her 2 little girls for my nephew's wedding. My son and son-in-law will be driving up with the boys. If I am sick for this wedding (probably the only trip I will get this summer) There will be hell to pay. Don't ask me right now who will pay....but mark my words. SOMEONE WILL PAY.

I stayed on track over the weekend. I am so glad I got that points clicker thing, I was eating alot more points then I should have. Water was great, until yesterday. I walked both days, but only did a mile and half yesterday.....I had a bathroom alert. (gross)

My kids laid low for molther's Day. I went out to my daughter's and fixed her breakfast in bed with the kids. She was surprised, and it was so sweet to watch the boys. They were so proud of their breakfast. Then my sweet son-in-law gave her a framed picture of their hand prints and pics of each of them in each corner. cap it all off.......he gave her one of those cards that the kids can record their message. It was the 22 mos' old 1st time saying something on the card that you could understand. I was really touched. THAT WAS A GREAT GIFT to me, was seeing my daughter so happy. I then, promptly fell asleep in her bed till the afternooon. My son was passed out when I got home. He had helped some friend's with their daughter's B-Day party the day before. He was beat! No present in the world could give me more JOY then my kids and grandkids! I was happy. Daughter and I are going to give each other (LOL) pedicures tomorrow at the salon. I love a pedi.

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. Since my Mother is gone, it's kind of a sad day too. I miss ya Mom. Lots.

Happy Monday!


  1. I'm sorry you're sick! Sending fast-healing vibes your way.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful mother's day. Being around little kids on a day like that is fun--they get so excited to give. =)

    Feel better soon.

  2. Hope you're better soon. It's no fun being sick.

    It sounds like you had a great day. Those recorded cards will bring such joy in the later years when they're all grown up.

  3. Sorry you're sick - I hope you feel better quickly!

    What a nice Mother's Day you gave your daughter! Moms of little ones really deserve some extra pampering.

  4. Sorry your not feeling well, Hopefully you can shake it off. Lots of rest, fluids and sleep work wonders. Sooo treat yourself like you would if your child was sick, REST REST RESt!!!!


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