intention & motivation

One of my most favorite bloggers is Roxie over at I loved her post from last night.

Thanks Roxie.

Out the door for a walk! Eating wasn't the best last night. To bed early. Have a too much sleep hangover.

Tingles are almost gone. Man! That took a long time. I was looking back over my past posts and I mentioned it....ALOT. Sorry folks....big baby coming thru. As of now, that's the last you will hear about that.

Enjoy your Saturday..............what's your intentions?


  1. Don't you dare apologize for writing about the tingles! This is your blog, your journey, and your story. It was very real for you, and I kept you in my thougts and prayers. We need a safe place to vent, share our stories, and let it all hang out.

    I'm so glad they are almost gone! That's wonderful news.

    I'm off to check out Roxie's blog now.


  2. No apols needed at all - this is the great thing about blogging, we can let the worries out and then they stop harming us!

    Glad the tingles are going -yeah, off to visist Roxie now too..


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