weigh in

i am down another 1.4 lbs this week. Bringing my total to 28.2 lbs. I am very ok with it. I came home and my son had made a healthy spagetti dinner. I did alittle food shopping and now I am going to go to bed! I am beat.

Work was so great today. Lots of people in the office besides just me, so that was fun. I just kind of sat around to answer questions and get files and such. I had everything pretty much ready for them. I spent alot of time in blogland today. Read lots of good stuff....and enjoyed my day.

I did good with water this week, well ok, better. I could improve for sure. I bought a points clicker thing so I am hoping to track bettter. I kind of thought I would loose more, because I felt like I had a great week of eating and H2O. My tracking is still ifffy. Through all my zoloft crazzies and Nadine, I tried my best to stay on plan. I am proud of efforts and I am not going to get blue over what I thought would happen.

don't give the scales too much power.


  1. Congrats on the loss! :)

    Thank you SO much for your kind words today! I appreciate it!


  2. Way to go on the lose!!! You are doing so great. I will try to take your advice and not let the scale have to much power. You can't let it have power over you either, 1.4 lbs is a good lose. I know we all want it off fast but 26.8 lbs is wonderful you should be really proud of yourself.

  3. Congrats! That's great news.

  4. Thank you for the reminder about not giving the scale power.

    1.4 lbs is great!!!!

  5. YEP YEP YEP on that final sentence.
    YES :)


  6. Effort is definitely the most important thing!

  7. That's right Dana, don't give the scale more power than it deserves! It is a number, it is feedback...that's it. You did the work, yes our work can always improve, but you did do the work, be proud! You lost!!! which really means you WON!

  8. Congrats on your loss - and I LOVE your last sentence!!!

  9. There is only one thing I can say about your weight loss.......



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