a better day

Things are clipping right along. Work is much better. I got an apology and everything. So I move forward, no sense holding a resentment. It is a stressful time for their family. I love working for a family business, but it has it's downside too. You get attached, they become your family too. At least that's how it works for me. I was so upset about all this that I was up at 2:30. I was out the door this morning at 4:30 and walked a little over 4 miles. Felt GREAT! So much better to work off steam that way to eat. This is really the 1st time I've EVER tried that....it really does. It's not just an urban legend...lol

Food stayed good. Have only had fruit and a fake PB&J so far. Fake PB and 0 calorie jelly. I like it though. It makes a good snack before I head out the door to walk in the morning. I did over eat last night a bit last night, but on good things. I am not going to beat myself over that!

I am hoping to get out to my daughter's tonight for dinner. She cooks healthy every night, so no worries there. Maybe take the boys to the library. My daughter's mother-in-law is visiting from Chicago, so it will be nice to visit with her. Maybe we'll both take the boys. I need all the help I can get with those crazy kids!

It is truly amazing how much differance a day can make. Thank goodness for change, right!

Keep the mood and the food real........


  1. Glad you're having a better day, and sorry I scared you about the brownies. ;)

  2. Glad to read such a good report. You really took a proactive approach to dealing with the emotions from your work situation yesterday. Color me impressed. You are walking the walk and talking the talk. Good for you.

  3. I always say that - what a difference a day can make. Things look better when you're worn out all to heck.
    Glad you're better and walking!

  4. Urban legend, I laughed at that, because I used to scoff at the whole "exercise your frustrations away" thing - but as you said, it works!

  5. I am glad you worked off your frustrations! People used to say that to me and it wasn't til I started at the gym that I realised exercise is such a great stress reliever!

    Enjoy time at your daughters with the fam :D

  6. I had to catch up with your posts. Glad to hear you got an apology and that you're feeling better. Way to go on the 4.8 lbs this week too. I'm hoping I can have a lose like that next week lol. You are doing great with all your walking too. I really do find it helps with the stress and anxiety. You are a great mom and grandmom, nice of you to help out your daughter and SIL.

  7. Here's to "next days"!
    Glad to hear the day went better.
    Proud of you for not grabbing the "crack" at the store yesterday.


  8. What's this fake PB and J? I would love to try it. Where can I get some?


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