Stay on Task!

I had a rough weekend eating wise. With a final blow out binge last night. Thank goodness I ate myself into a coma and was done and ASLEEP by around 6:30 pm. Was up at 3. I binged on all healthy stuff, but when you eat to the point of being too full to move, well it doesn't really matter what you put in your mouth. It's always the feelings behind it.

So what were the feelings...well I think I am alittle freaked out by my weight loss so far. I was feeling guilty that it was so easy the last 2 weeks. I was missing my Mom and Dad yesterday. It sucks being a 48 year old I wasn't really in a bad mood, I was bored and tired, and yes, maybe alittle lonely. Of course, I am only lonely by choice. I do have lots of friends, not to mention my kids and grandkids. Nope I wanted to be alone and eat. Did that alright.

That's the problem with me going to the store, then there is food in the house to eat. I know that sounds like a good thing, and usually it is, but yeasterday it was pretty ugly. 2 bags of those stinking Pop Chips. They are like crack. Can't eat those anymore! I bought the wrong kind of wraps.....i didn't really check the points, they said whole wheat, so I grabbed them. Then come to find out they are 4 points not 2 points like I thought. By then I had had 2 wraps already. There is that all or nothing mentality....stupid.

I did walk the extra mile both days this weekend. My new shoes are killing my arch, then I wore heels to church..........ouch! I am ready to walk this morning....just waiting for the buddies to get here.

So what am I going to do. I am not giving up. This morning I am back baby! I will go to WW for my weigh in tonight. I will stay on program today. Drink lots of water. If I gain, well I guess that what I really wanted after all. I figured it's going to happen sometime, I will control when it happens, so I binged. stupid. I am not going to le this get me down.

In other non food/craziness related stuff......I did go see The Proposal on Saturday. It was cute, and Ryan Reynolds is naked (so is she). You don't see anything but a side view, but what a SIDE! That alone was worth my $5, before noon, discount ticket. Predictable, but likable. I would recommend it. Also this week's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me was so funny! Check out the podcast. Last week's was just so so. You can't be right on every week, right? Right now I am reading Boomsday by Christopher Buckley. Super funny polical satire, about proposing mass baby boomer suicide to balance the budget. So in the car funny. I love books on CD.

Make it a great monday, STAY ON TASK!


  1. Yeah, some weeks are just regular old weeks. They all can't be better than the last one!

  2. It happens!! It's done and over with and just go on doing what you know how to do :)
    I'm weighing in tonight as well!
    There are certain things i know i can't buy, popchips would be one of them. Anything that means dessert whether healthy or not, because i can't eat just one small piece it would end up being half or all of it!!!

  3. Staying positive is the key and it sounds like you have it down. Just put it behind you and move swiftly on. :D

  4. I swear! I read Boomsday a while back and liked it. And by read I mean I did the books on tape thing, too.

    Just refocus and move on.

  5. Good job waking up and making today a NEW day! :)

  6. Setbacks suck, but getting back on the bike is all that matters.

  7. Focus, perseverance, patience. You can do it, just don't give up!

  8. You and I were in the same bad movie this weekend, my friend. I too fell way off the wagon - probably because of family issues too - Dad in hospital, Mom with Alzheimers. But like you, I'm starting again today. Already have been to the gym for my guilt-trip. Hope it's a better week for you. Am sending you good thoughts.

  9. Yup have those days too! We just gotta get up, brush ourselves off, and get back on the wagon. Think about how borng life would be if EVERYTHING was perfect.
    Keep up the good attitude!

  10. Sounds like you know what the causes were, which to me is 3/4 of the battle. The rest, as Yogi Berra says, is half mental. Hope you have an outstanding day and are back in the saddle (or walking shoes) and on track!

  11. Hugs - I was feeling the orphan thing and avoiding all the "father's day" posts too. No matter how old you are, it isn't easy. I hope you are feeling OK now!


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