a brain buster

Had a hard time sleeping last night. Had a headache that morphed into a brain buster by 4 am. I was sweating and hurling. Tried to get rid of the headache, but had to call and miss my morning walk with my buddy. I came into work to do a few things before I go back home to sleep. It takes alot out of you to be sick all night. Plus the head still hurts, but nothing like this morning.

I decided to walk on the treadclimber here at work. I told myself you just need to to do 30 minutes That's less then half the time I usually walk. So I got on and did the 30 minutes. Man, that thing kicked my ass. I was able to keep a steadier, faster pace. It felt like a better work out, but I missed the great conversations a have with my friend in the morning. Plus 30 mins seemed like forever! I was watching The Closer on the ipod and it died. BORING after that! I might have to switch to this though, cause it is really is hot, even at 5 am.

Thanks for all the great supportive feedback yesterday. I count on all of you for the LOVE. I haven't been so great at leaving comments, and some blogs (like Jo and the Stinkin Thinkin lady) won't allow me to leave a comment. I am reading though. I can't go without that.

Had my daughter's family over for swimming and turkey tacos last night. Lots of fun. I also had my hair cut and colored yesterday. I haven't done that in almost 6 months. I was due. Still haven't put on the 16's to wear, but I am feeling braver...lol.

Be a glass is half full kind of person today........keep the mood and the food real.


  1. Wow...what a headache! I'm glad you are feeling a little better and I hope it completely goes away soon. Congrats on exercising despite your obstacles!

  2. Oh my goodness! Treat yourself gently. That headache sounds purely awful. I hope you are getting some good rest and feeling better.

  3. Sorry you were sick, I hope you get to feeling better soon. :) Way to go on the treadclimber, the first time I ever stepped foot on that thing I thought I would die after 30 minutes! :) That thing definitely works!!

  4. I'm more of a "glass is twice as big as it needs to be" person.

  5. I hope you are feeling better now - headaches of that magnitude suck big time.

  6. Ouch! Nasty headache - glad you are on the mend and 30 mins on the treadclimber is amazing. If I did that, I would have more than a head that hurts, lol!

  7. So sorry to hear about your headache. I've never had one come on in the middle of the night. Hope you are feeling better! Your positive attitude today is really inspiring! Hope the happiness continues! Blessings--Bonnie

  8. I hear ya - I took Advil every day for 2 years for a headache and a half!
    Since Low-Carb I have been more or less free!
    Get well soon!

  9. I hope your nasty headache never returns.

    Turkey tacos sounds super good!

  10. Hope you are all better, and I think it is impressive that you worked out despite feeling yucky the last few days. Maybe Roxie is contagious...

  11. The closer is awesome! Sorry to hear you're feeling so crappy but major kudos to doing 30 mins anyways.

    the glass IS half full today :D

  12. Glad you're feeling better and hope it stays that way. And on top of it all you did 30 minutes on the climber - awesome!


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