stay the course

So I was up 1.4 lbs. Not freaking out. I have decided it's more about the anticipation of the weigh in that stresses me. I don't want to have to wait till 6 pm to weigh in. I think about it all day. I say get in early and get it over with. I love the leader I have, so I asked her if she led a meeting in the I will be changing my weigh in day to Wed. We will see how that works. How much weight can I loose in 10 days instead of 7.....stayed

I feel ok about the gain. I weighed earlier in the day last week, and I decided yesterday that it was stupid not to eat very much till I 6 pm. So I ate a good lunch and drank alot of water! I even had my usual after work snack of a fudgesicle...SF of course.

I wasn't as clean in my eating as I could have been. I am giving myself a break. Last week was hard, what with the stuff going on at work, I really wanted to eat my way through it. Plus it was a long holiday weekend. So all in all, I am going to count last week as a victory as far as a healthy lifestyle goes. I really increased my walking last week, when my knee would allow, so I felt good about that too. I am really no hurry to loose the weight, I just want to be able to "stay the course". For the long haul.

I bought that pair of 16 shorts last week, and I have yet to wear them. Not sure why I am choosing to wear too big clothes still. weird. Plus I have found I am looking at myself more in the mirror. Caring more about what I look like. It can be bad and good. It's nice to give a crap about what I look like again. The flip side is when I am focused on that I usually end up judging my body harshly. So I have been trying to be kind to myself. I am a work in progress.....always in progress, never finished!

Glad to be on the path, headed it the right direction..... Keep the mood and the food real.


  1. You have a fabulous attitude about the gain. You'll have it off by your next WI for sure!

    I, too, prefer to weigh in first thing in the morning. I would dread it all day if I had to wait until the evening & would probably nitpick my food all day. I hope the morning works better for you.

    Get those new shorts on & enjoy the smaller sizes! Don't beat yourself up over what needs to be done, instead try to focus on what you've already accomplished. You've done some great work!

    Have a great week. :)

  2. I always weigh myself in the morn, I just think that it is more accurate. But who knows. keep it up you are doing great!

  3. I really like weighing in on Weds - enough time to correct any weekend mistakes, lol!

    Size 16 shorts is excellent! Get them on and show them off!

  4. Just think about how much weight you've lost. When I look at your weight sidebar, I see a women who has lost 40 plus pounds. What an accomplishment! Can you imagine having to pick that up and carry it around again?

    Not all progress is linear and not all progress is reflected on the scale.

    Put your behind in those skinny shorts and hurt your elbow patting yourself on the back. You are doing all of this the right way.

  5. I would have a hard time waiting until the evening to do an official weigh in and I'm sure I would starve and dehydrate myself, too. Glad you're moving it to a morning slot.

    Put on those size 16's and wear them proudly!

  6. I think the morning weigh in will be much better for you and the anticipation won't be so stressful. For me, meetings in the mornings was a great way to start the day.

  7. What a great post! I agree about weigh-ins. Get it done and over with and then you do not have to think about them the rest of the day.

    Girl, you need to put on those size 16 shorts. You bought them for a reason. I have found the pants that fit better is a reminder of how far I have come and that I want to keep going.

    That, and as you keep shrinking they will not fit for too long. Get your moneys worth.

    You will stay the course....I will be doing it with you!

  8. I can't believe you weigh in so late! That waiting would kill me... plus I'm sure you'd weigh better in the morning :D

    *high fives* for the long haul.

  9. I bet you will be a lot happier with the morning weigh ins too! And I'll bet that 1.4 and then some will be gone next week.

  10. I've known a lot of people who have lost weight and still wear clothes that are too big for them. Sometimes I point out to them that it makes them look much bigger, and they look really good in the smaller sizes. So get into those new shorts! I'm sure you'll look so much better.

  11. Staying the course for the long haul is what's most important. I have no doubt you'll be back down in no time. :-)

  12. I love your attitude! Also, you're picture up at the right is very flattering! Glad you were able to move to the morning slot. I think it would be hard to wait until evening to weigh in. I say ditch those larger clothes and start wearing those 16's! Great job!

  13. Yea don't worry about the gain, this is for life after all and we will have some ups and downs. It really is about staying the course FOREVER so we just have to do the best we can with every decision. Way to go on the extra walking.

    I know what you mean about the 6pm weigh-in being a pain, that's my weigh-in time too. I weigh myself in the morning and then anything can happen between then and weigh-in at 6. I try not to stress over it though, what will be will be.

    Hope you have a good day.


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