fake it till you make it

Today I feel better. I feel in the moment. I feel less critcal of myself. I feel less fearful, more couragous. I am going to have an attitude of graditude. I am going to try to get and stay out of SELF today. I am going to treat myself with kindness. I am not going to compare myself to others. I am clipping along fine. I have a better lifestyle now then I have had in years. I have great friends and wonderful family that I love and that I know love me. I have an awesome job, I work for people that, in general, I admire and respect. I am able to earn extra money to make my money obligations. I am learning to be frugal. I am a work in progress!

And if I don't really feel those things at any given moment......I am going to fake it till I make!

Happy Friday. Keep the mood and the food real.


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better. Know that you are awesome! As Mizfit says - you are your own superhero!

  2. Amen to everything you said, Dana!

  3. Great attitude! We all need to be able to "persuade" ourselves to see things for how good we are having it compared to how things couuld be better.

    Hopefully soon you're faking it less and less.

  4. Way to count those blessings, Dana. It's really what it's all about, after all.

  5. I'm totally stealing that quote! I'm gonna "fake it till I make it!"

  6. LOVE LOVE the last line of your post. That's gonna be my mantra this week - keeping my mood and food real! Thank you. And glad you're feeling better. :)

  7. I'm glad you are feeling better. I love that quote too, because it applys to a lot of life as well.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. Love it and I do that all the time! Have a good weekend!

  9. What a wonderful post! What really struck a chord with me was when you said, "I am a work in progress". How so true. And how often we forget that we are a work in progress. The changes are not going to come in our lives with the snap of our fingers...it's a slow evolution! Thanks for that reminder!

  10. Glad you are feeling better...Sometimes thats just what you have to do...Fake It Until You Make It....thats exactly what I tell myself everyday in everything I do....Especially my job I was put in the position of Manager of over 400 people and never new all the drama that can go on...well now I know...lol
    great post...

  11. Big Hugs to feeling better!!! or at least faking better :D
    Gees, Girl, lead the way ... I need to do the same ...

  12. You know, the thing is...you ARE making it--I see that! I get your thinking, and I do that too. It's a great mantra, because we will start believing what we repeat!


  13. Of course, at the end up the day, we ARE our own best hero.
    But in the "getting there" process, we can "borrow" from each other's strengths, help and support each other.
    Isn't that what it's really about at the end of the day?
    Thanks for all that you share!


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