
Real quick. A friend has offered to help me out with the car. I was overwelmed and so very grateful! Huge load off my mind. I was willing to just ride the bike, but of course, a car is better! I knew that if I just let it go, and moved forward doing all I could, something would work out. It is so hard to just believe. I wish so very much that I could do this with everything in my life. Giving up power, or really the delusion that you have any power at all, is so crazy hard!! Power and Control.... How you get it and how you treat those without any. That is the test of this life. At least that's how I feel.

I am off to the movie. I look forward to a quiet weekend. Walking, biking, reading and cleaning. Nothing like some deep cleaning to cleanse the soul (thanks roxie)



  1. Hope you enjoyed the movie. I love Chris Buckely. Loved Boomsday. Ever since thank you for smoking I have been hooked on him. I have read I almost all of his books. Thanks for the recommendation though...I love to read and always appreciate hearing of new authors.

  2. I'm glad to hear that things are working out!

  3. Isn't it crazy how when you let go, things come together? Now, if I just had your cleaning enthusiasm.

  4. Hey. That's great. Im joining you in the cleaning - it centers me to have an organized house that smells like Pine Sol. Doesn't happen very often, but I'm giving it a shot this weekend!

  5. I have enthusiasm. Is it like love?
    I often wonder.

  6. Ahhh, the love that as soon as you gave it up, the HP comes through! Have a wonderful weekend, Dana!

  7. Glad things seem to be working out for you. You deserve a few breaks going your way.

  8. That whole "delusion that you have power" and then giving it up is probably the main thing I struggle with spiritually. It actually seems easier with the really hard things than with the day-to-day.

    Anyways, thanks for sharing. I love to hear about Him working His plan and loving His flock.

  9. It's amazing how when you give up control, you find that you're not so anxious anymore.

    Hope you had a great time in the movie!

  10. It is hard to remember sometimes that we would be sensible to just have faith and wait.

    My car has been at the garage again today (argh).

    Sounds like you have been having a good time lately though, although you have had a lot of hiccups, somehow things do seem to turn out OK in the end, but it is hard to remember that when things go wrong, isn't it?

    Thanks so much for stopping by and checking up on me, that was so thoughtful of you and I do appreciate it.

    Enjoy the movie - I am looking forward to seeing that one too!


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