I want saltie and crunchie, or do I????

I am HUNGRY! I want food! The faux PB&J I brought just ain't cutting it. I want something salty. Salty and crunchy. I want fries. I want something naughty.....cut to me taking a bite of a breakfast burrito ( not the healthy kind ) . It was gross. Glad it wasn't mine. So I could just take one bite. Yep, cured that craving!

Things are better today. Trying to catch up on reading blogs today. I wanted to leave the post from Friday up thru the weekend cause of the link to my son's blog. Before I knew it it was Tuesday.

I didn't weigh this week. I was so sick from the tooth and the pain meds I didn't go. I haven't been on the scales either. Well, that's not true I went to the doctors office Thursday and those scales told me I had gained 3 lbs. Whatever. I am not going to OFFICIALLY weigh in till next Monday. On the official scales and on the official day. I am not as concerned about my weight this week. I did everything right, even ate less then usual. Mostly from the toothache.

I walked everyday except yesterday. I went on an awesome bike ride, 7 miles, on Sunday morning. It was great. So this morning was my 1st walk since Saturday. I only went 2.5 miles. I am still not feeling my best. But it felt good.

I put a bid in on another home out by my daughter's. Please keep anything you can crossed for me. I love it, it's move in ready. One place I looked at they past owners took EVERYTHING! Even the toilet. It has a warranty ( 2 years ) and I would be 2 blocks from the kids. I want it to work out really bad. It's along way from I'll take it to here's your key! If it's suppose to mine, it will be!

Mr. 92 went to have some out patient surgery today. I have a feeling it's not going to out patient. But then I don't know everything. There, I admit it. I do not know everything. Thank goodness that would be a lot of responsibility, RIGHT?

Well best get to work. I have 2 days to make for. Will be getting around to everyone's blog's soon. Keep the mood and the food real. And soft,lol,till my mouth feels better!


  1. Everything crossed for the house by your daughter's!

    I hope you are feeling up to par very soon!

  2. I hope you get the house! It sounds like it would be wonderful for you and I bet your family would love having you so close.

    Well done to keep up the walking even after the tooth issue. Here's to hoping you feel 100% better soon.

  3. glad you are feeling better!

  4. OK, crossing everything for you!

    You are doing awesomely well - you are amazing sis!

    Mwah! x

  5. Wow, you actually admitted it...you dont know everything. LOL!!!

  6. STEP AWAY FROM THE FRENCH FRIES WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! That's right, just back away slowly and nobody gets hurt. . .

    Keeping everything crossed!

  7. I hope you get the house, and don't eat the fries!!

  8. I'm so glad you were able to get rid of that urge without having to dive into a pool of french fries.

    Whoo Hoo for awesome bike rides! 7 miles... you go girl!

    Have a great week & I'm glad you survived all the dental stuff.

  9. to anyone that wants to know. My co worker has the cutest kids ever!

    Click on the Zach and Angelene link above to see her cute red heads!!!!

  10. omg they're like the cutest red heads ever!

    *phew* i like the end of that first paragraph, missus!!! I didn't weigh in this week either... i really should but I just cant deal with that number sending me back to the black hole.

    toothache sucks goats arse. not fun. *puffy hugs* I have everything crossed for you. seriously. <3

  11. Who the hell takes a toilet? Anyway, good luck on getting the house you do want.

  12. Its amazing how you desire the unhealthy food and then when you eat it, you wish you didn't.
    I hope your mouth feels better.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  13. Yikes to the junk! Don't worry about the scales is the best thing you said. You KNOW you did everything right.
    Sorry about the tooth ache!
    I, myself, LOVE the dentist and really kind of like the whole "getting shots" thing. Sick, I know!

  14. What?!? You don't know everything?!? Another dream shattered. Now who will I turn to with all my burning questions???

    I so get your "official scale" - my gym has a scale and Brad is always encouraging us to step on it...no way, man - it's not the official scale!

    Good on ya for walking even though you are still not feeling 100%! And I'm so impressed with your 7 mile bike ride...now you are making me want to step up my rides!

    Crossing everything and sending good thoughts your way for that house - good luck!

  15. Oh, I hope you get the house. I have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers--I have a good feeling. =)

    You are such an inspiration to me. I cop out and use every excuse in the book not to be active. You? You don't, you're a doer. I can learn a lot from you!

    Hope your tooth is back to normal!

  16. Good luck with the house!!!!! I hate the hungry monster (although the actual monster is completely adorable) the cravings are insatiable...sorry!

  17. I had all sorts of comments in my head for you...but it all got blown away with the toilet comment! I've NEVER heard of homeowners taking the toilet when they leave! How nutty is that!!!!!!

    Good luck on the house bid!!!

  18. Glad you're feeling better. I stopped by your son's blog, good words just like yours *smile*. Hope the house comes through.


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