jackass teflon

The weirdest thing happened last night. I was at Walmart and saw my old boyfriend. Yikes! I was with him for about 7 sevens, about 10 years ago. He was there thru my parents death and the death of my son's dad. I had a rough year that year. Plus we used together big time.

It was weird. For such a long time I wondered and stewed over this man. I haven't dated or anything since we broke up. It was totally all in my head. All I could think while we chatted was "man I dodge bullet". I think I might have developed Jackass Teflon. You know, where they just slide right off me.

We have talked on facebook and have talked a couple of times on the phone. After I got home last night he started texting. Yikes again. He wanted to get together today. I begged off. He'll go away I'm sure. I can't tell you how good this feels. I'm growing up. I am doing the right thing for me. Feels good to be the one not interested. He dumped me. Yep, feels good.

So I went on an extra long walk this moring. I turned the ipod up and just got into it. I rarely do that anymore. Going to ride the bike over to Mr. 92's house and then take him shopping. Then I am going to see the Gkids.

treat yourself well. keep the mood and the food real.


  1. I dunno, you'd think as one gets older one can put the relationship drama behind, wouldn't you? But well done you, for not falling for it - life is too darn short to be in bad relationships anyway. Better to be alone.

    Oh, and I love the photo of you and your bike in the last post - I LOVE that bike and you look so flippin gorgeous!

  2. Strange things happen at Wal-Mart! lol

  3. Great Big Wonderful Grown-up Hugs to you Dana!!!

  4. Very grown up - good for you. Seriously.

    I wondered though because you didn't mention it... Is he still using? Did you talk about your sobriety at all?

    (I can't remember what your drug of choice was. Not that it matters really.)

  5. Good job staying strong! You don't need him.

    Keep up the great work! :]

  6. hey hot stuff, good for you fending off the guys/ jack asses. lol.

  7. Way to go on being strong enough to know what is and is not good for you :)

  8. So cool that you are now the one to deny him - and with your fit, good-looking body to boot. Love your self-confidence!

    I'm curious - what does "7 sevens" mean - am I missing something?

  9. Hope that teflon stays strong. Good for you. And work that ipod. It makes the workouts go by doesn't it?

  10. Wow that is an awesome feeling! And you kept it going with exercise....even better for you.
    Power feels good. Especially when you give it to yourself.

  11. Good for you this is a great thing I bet you felt wonderful afterwards knowing you didnt give in. Awesome job on the excersise you are getting, music always makes me get more into my workouts also :) Have a great weekend!!

  12. Love that jackass teflon. That is hysterical! Good for you!!!

  13. Good for you for not being drawn in by an ex.

  14. Dodged a bullet indeed! Way to keep those toxic people away. You don't need that kind of trouble. Love the jackass teflon - I've got to get me some.

  15. I totally have jackass teflon envy. That could beat out "extremely fast metabolism" for the greatest quality ever.

    Congrats on being so strong and able to resist. You're such an inspiration!

  16. I have awarded you the Honest Scrap Award.

  17. Sooooo, just checking in on you, lol (seems we take turns at this), hope you are OK?


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