What kind of world do you want?

Got a great night's sleep. Headache gone this morning. Go me!! I rode the bike to work this morning after I did my walk. I have been walking probably alittle less then 3 miles so I can make it to work on time riding the bike.

This morning I was just crazy ass happy. ( Karen's term ) I was listening to Five for Fighting. The song World. "Be careful what you wish for, HISTORY starts now". What kind of World do you want! Pick Anything! Build a masterpiece! Loved it!

So I decided that I would wave and say hi to everyone I saw on my ride to work. I go thru kind of not so good neighborhoods. I did just that ! I waved at every car. Said hello to every sad looking teenager "drudging" to school. Waved at city buses and school buses. I got lots of waves back. I surprised alot of peeople and I loved getting the smiles back in return. Even from gangster looking kids.....lol.

Food good, water fair, mood JOYFUL!

Keep the mood and the food real! Build a Masterpiece!


  1. I love it! The waving thing is just fabulous. I bet you made so many people smile this morning.

    Honestly, so many of your posts these days have just been filled with this infectious joy. I need to smile every time I come over here!

  2. LOL good for you! I'm sure you brighten lots of people's day :)

  3. You are so cool - I love that you waved to everyone!

  4. That is so cool spreading your joy amongst the neigborhood peeps.

    I like the new picture!

  5. Hi! I really enjoyed reading your blog. I, too am fighting the fight of fat and am blogging about my journey! I have lost 21.75 pounds and want to lose another 190.25 pounds! A long hard battle, I know! I hope to get encouragement from following your blog.

  6. Even though people probably thought you had lost it, if waving to eveyone helped you...why not?

    Every now an then I will have a day when I am just cheesin' happy. Every where I go I will be grinning my butt off. And it is contagious. I know some wondered if I was high, but they still smiled.

    Wish I had more days like that.

  7. I just feel happy for you Dana. I love that you're riding your bike to work and loving it. When I started walking my favorite road I hung my head and hoped no one noticed me. I soon started waving to all the cars and people and before I knew it people started waving and stopping to tell me how great I looked. Giving definitely turns into getting. You just sound like you're so happy right now. I can feeling it rubbing off on me *smile*. *big hugs*

  8. Love the new pic, Dana. You're a lady that deserves a little crazy ass happiness!

  9. You probably brightened a lot of people's days!

  10. What a great thing to do. You are awesome! The world would be a better place if more people did that. Thanks for sharing Dana!

  11. I love it!
    Who can resist a crazy ass happy person :D


  12. Such a positive post...it made me feel good to read it.

    BTW, I just saw my "I think you're swell" award on your blog...it gives me a thrill to see my sweet boy's pic on someone else's blog. I just hope he doesn't get a big head over it! :)

  13. Where's my big email, missus?

    glad the headache didnt linger!

    loving that great attitude :D i was like that the other day walking through town. smiling at people and just being happy for no reason.

    <3 <3

  14. Way to go on all of it. Especially your good attitude. You waving reminds me of the car game my nieces used to play - sweet or sour. Every once in a while when I wave back at a kid, they are excited that I'm "sweet" rather than "sour." :)

  15. Wow! That waving to the gangster kids idea is priceless!


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