i get attached

6 am on a Saturday morning and I have been up for an hour already. Had a pretty good day yesterday. Stayed busy right up till I fell into bed. they had a trunk or treat at my daughter's church last night. So cute. Will post pics soon. Everyone decorated the trunk of their cars. Some were very creative. There was lots of people and all in all it was a success. I did break down and eat 6 little pieces of those malted milk "whopper" candies I don't even like them...STUPID! Oh well, I end up having a subway for dinner, so I didn't do too bad. Got lots of extra walking in as well. H2O intake was better yesterday......but I could still stand to improve there.

I haven't really talked about my old people lately, but I LOVE THOSE 2 OLD FARTS! Mrs 82 and Mr 92. I love going over to visit with them and help them out. I always leave feeling so much better then when I arrived. They really appreciate everything I do for them. Plus, they love me back. It's a great feeling. I do this..... I get really attached, but I can't help it. It seems like a privilege to spend their last days with them, helping them to feel comfortable and make them laugh. I try to take away the embarrassment of the situation. I think I am pretty good at it. Besides, hanging around with people over 80 makes me feel like a spring chicken! LOL. See, I am a very selfish person, I love the way it makes ME feel.

Went walking around a lake this morning and loved it. Got in about 4 miles. Then to the Farmer's Market. I think I might just take it easy till I head out to my daughter's again tonight for trick or treating. Or maybe go sit in a dark movie theatre. I have no idea what's even at the theatre. I just realized how much of my free time has changed as well . I used to never miss a new movie. I spent so much of my free time in the darkness of a theatre. Or another thing I used to do was, I NEVER MISSED OPRAH. I haven't sat down and watch an entire show in a very long time. CHANGE IS GOOD!

Keep the mood and the food real......take it easy!


  1. I bet your two old farts love you even more. It sounds like you've made a huge difference in their lives.

    Good going on all the walking and water. Sounds like you're still with the program, especially by not inhaling the entire bag of whoppers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. *it would help if I could spell ;)

    Wow you little early bird! Sounds like you are doing awesome, even with those lil whoppers. Have a great Halloween!

  4. I know what you mean about changes...it's interesting to see how much more you are DOING now, rather than just being. Hope you have a great day - good job with the walking already! I need to take a page from your book and get moving on the days that I don't workout.

  5. I'm happy that you have old farts around to care for and for you to love and have them love you back. it's love, right? :D

    it sounds like you had a great Saturday, Dana. Good for YOU!!!

  6. Hehe change is good! Happy Halloween!! :)

  7. feeling good i like it :P you gotta do what you can, missus and if hanging out with the oldies does it then woot.

    that trunk thing sounded pretty cool.

    busy can be good for the soul.

    i need to improve on my h2o too.

  8. love me some old folks. I'm a proud founding member of a thriving old folks coffee club that started out as me eating breakfast with 4 old retired men when I was in college at a local convenience store. 3 of them have passed on, but they have about 10-12 regulars now. :)

  9. Just catching up on blogs and read your post from a few days ago... I caught my breath when I read that you were wanting to use, and then breathed a sigh of relief when you said you didn't.

    Guess it's kind of like me wanting to purge but not even though it would have been easy. Thank you so much for your comment on my post, I really appreciated the encouragement. I'm feeling so much better today, I'm just glad to be home. I know tomorrow is gonna be a kick ass day!

  10. Oh yeah, you are so selfish. ;)
    Sounds like a two way street to me - they gain & you gain. All is good.

    Hope Halloween was fun & don't worry about the candy...I swear it sneaks into our mouths sometimes without us noticing until the second or third piece. ;)

    Have a great week.


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