wed weigh in

Down 2.4 lbs. So good for me. Though I did only manage to loose like a pound and half this month. Oh well. I lost 6 in December. Feeling good. Trying to catch up with all of you. So this is fast!

Keep the mood and the food real.......catch up!


  1. All losses are good losses! It's the direction that's important!

  2. Wow! That was fast!

    Good job on the loss, Dana.

  3. Yay! Congrats! The fact that your OVERALL month is DOWN rather than up is good enough for me! (:

  4. Congratulations on your weight loss!! You should celebrate. Right now I would love to see a 2+ loss....right now I am stuck at my current weight it seems....

  5. You're doing great, Dana - congrats!

  6. Down is the right direction! You will own February!

  7. Congrats on that loss! Awesome!

    Love the layout!

  8. Congrats dearie!!!! That's a fantastic loss.

  9. Awesome!! You're going in the right direction :)

  10. A pound and a half gone, is gone! :o)

  11. Yay! Dana! Totally awesome! So happy things are going in the right direction for you.

  12. 2.4 is a good solid number!!

    I just lost a gob this week....but am only down 1.6 for the month. I'm going to stick with the momentum of this week, instead of looking back to Jan 1. I like this week's number better and it will keep me more motivated to stay on track. Day 9 of totally clean eating is today..tomorrow will be 10...and so on. One day at a look backs (except to learn from experience and move on!) :)

  13. 2.4 is a great number! Congratulations and keep moving in the right direction!


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