Ain't Life Grand!

I think I deserve some good news. I mean some really good news. Well yesterday I go it. My daughter called me yesterday morning and told me that she took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Then she took 3 more. Positive, Positive, Positive! They have been trying to get pregnant for the past 7 years. Four years they decided to do foster care and this past summer they adopted the last of their 4 children. They thought their family was complete. She had just given away the last of her baby stuff. Isn't that just the way!

We are over the moon happy! She is alittle overwhelmed and shocked by it all. She keeps saying that she can't believe she is going to have 5 kids. We just never thought this would happen. Life never stops surprising me! Ain't life GRAND!

She had to drive in and get some blood work done, so we took the kids to McDonalds and I had a couple of nuggets. I was waiting to get home and eat some crock pot stew. Food was better yesterday. I couldn't eat too much, my pants were alittle tight. A new appetite H20 wasn't great, I kept forgetting to fill up my jug. UGH! I wish I could say that I had a great night's sleep again, but alas I was awaken by a headache at 2:30am and it has yet to go away. Still positive. Telling myself that it's a "joy headache".

Walking out the door for my walk. To be honest, I am not feeling it this morning. I am glad I have a good walking buddy. It's what gets me out the door when I don't want to. I am sad that she is going to have a hysterectomy next week. I have already set up something with another buddy. I need that extra incentive to get out the door.

I don't have any plans this weekend. That isn't a good thing. I need to have a plan. I'm sure something will present itself. The weather will be beautiful tomorrow with rain expected on Sunday. I start a new job at church. The librarian. Should be fun. I really do love church! Food shopping (with a list ) is on tap and a good long walk and/or bike ride as well. See the weekend is shaping up already.

Keep the mood and the food real......expect surprises!


  1. Congratulations Grandma! How exciting. You're right, it does seem like the minute a couple accepts the situation, boom, they get pregnant. However it happened it is wonderful. I'm sure you and she will have fun preparing for the new little one. Won't it be fun having a new baby around to spoil? :)

  2. Congrats on the new grand baby!!

  3. Congratulations! It will be so nice for your daughter to have one child that came from her, and for you to have a new grandbaby to spoil.

  4. What wonderful news - congratulations!!!!! Life DOES surprise you, that's for sure!!!

  5. Congratulations grandma!! What a blessing that is!! I am so happy for you!! I love when life brings good surprises like that!


    Wow, I love stories like that :)

  7. Congratulations!!

    Keep it up dearie!!

  8. Congrats! I have some reproductive challenges but stories like this give me the hope I need to keep trucking! Congrats! :)

  9. Congrats Gamma Dana! That is fantastic news!

    I had to giggle at your comment about my skydiving! I am adventerous but whoa that is something I have yet to do... it is on my bucket list. I wonder what the weight limit is LOL

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Hooray! That headache may very well be a happy headache. Take an hour to take care of yourself if it doesn't go away. Hot shower, foot massage, hot drink, dark room, less noise.

    Do what you need after you listen. Even if it's 10 minutes on the potty just sitting there staring at the wall.

  11. That is great news!!! Congrats to you and your daughter!

  12. How exciting! Congratulations to your family...

    Hope your headache is better today.


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