what happens in vegas

Good Friday morning. Could not be happier that this week is over. I have my son's car all weekend. He went to Vegas with some buddies he went to high school with. My daughter goes to the doctor's this morning. She thinks she should be able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler today. I am excited for her. I have a big church thing I am helping with tomorrow morning. After that I have no clue. I want the boys to spend the night, but we'll see what Saturday brings. Then of course there is church Sunday morning. I am still feeling kind of like crap. Very worn out. I walked my 3 miles this morning but it was work. I made myself get out the door. The scale said 183 this morning. I think yesterday morning was a fluke. I did make me feel good to see a 7 after that ONE.

Here are some more pics from the party. The 1st one is of my son and his new GF. Her name is Mary and she was the one who threw the party. I guess they are in a relationship.....at least that's what his FB page says....lol. We like her and she seems to adore him.

Next is my Livi Girl. She would not look at the camera. She loves looking at herself, but hates to take the pic. weird, I know.
Staying the the eating theme is my Little Tater Tot. She LOVES to eat. Sometimes she gets so excited when her food arrives she starts shaking....lol. She is is the right family!

Here is my buddy Carson. His hair was all spikey cause his "girlfriend" was going to be at the party.
And last but not least is my daughter, one of my best friend's Renee and her daughter Haley. Haley is Carson's GF. At least he think she is. That's why he had to have the hair do.

I hope everyone has a fun weekend ahead of you.

Keep the mood and the food real.................Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


  1. Love the pictures and your commentary! Tell Carson that he is looking gooood with that spiky hair!

    Your daughter is so pretty and looks just like you! I hope she can hear the heartbeat today - that is so exciting! Have a wonderful weekend, Dana!

  2. Looks like everyone had fun. Thanks for sharing the pics of your kids and gkids :-) Have a great weekend Dana!

  3. Beautiful family and friends! Always good to get together :)

  4. Carson's girlfriend is gorgeous! :)
    I think your son's relationship is classified as "Facebook official" LOL!

  5. Loved the pictures!!! Hope you have a great weekend.

  6. Looks like lots of fun! Hope you have a fantastic weekend. :-)

  7. yuck! I don't really like that pic of me MOTHER!! My face is so swollen. But your lucky I love you.

  8. Sounds like a sweet time. What a good mom/grandma you are. Your family is lucky. I can tell your daughter appreciates you, hopefully everyone does!

  9. You saw the 7....it will be back soon!


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