I'm Not Afraid of Hell.....

I'm from Phoenix! I read that on a bumper sticker when I 1st moved here 25 years ago. It still rings true. It was 113 degrees yesterday. Another extreme heat advisory today. At 4:30 AM it was 90 degrees, and it is humid. I guess the Monsoon has arrived. We still manged a 2.5 mile walk this morning and I rode the bike to work. Glad I have a ride home!

It is too damn hot to wear a sweater to cover my unsightly upper arms. So I am letting them just hang out. The longer I expose them the less uncomfortable I am about them. If other people don't like, well that is just too damn bad. It's funny how you can get over things, if the motivation is right!

I am going for a hair cut today and I need to run some errands to get myself ready for my little trip. I have noticed that for the past few weeks I have had a hard time just BEING. I am having a hard time staying in and enjoying the moment. I hope a little break from my routine will help with that. Trying to anticipate my next move ( and other's ) has been exhausting. People Pleasing is exhausting!

Food has been much better, though still too much. The scale has come down alittle. Trying to rein in the emotions that are driving me to food. I got the book Women, Food and God from the library. Gonna read it on the ride to Small Town USA. I am trying to just feel my feeling. I know they can not kill me, but damn, sometimes they are just so uncomfortable.

Hope everyone has a great 4th! Keep the mood and the food real..................


  1. It's too hot here. I've got my arms out. F**K the rest of the world. My arms are out and proud.

    do we get to see the new haircut?
    people pleasing is exhausting.

  2. oh yay i got the first comment. i never get the first one on yours! :D

  3. Feelings - nothing more than feelings!
    Sure - they can't kill ya, but yeah - sometimes *ouch!*

  4. Dana, don't worry about exposing your arms. It's not anything "offensive" and I'm sure everyone understands in that crazy heat. It's not like you're wearing a crop top or something. Be comfortable with yourself. :)

  5. This is the first summer I've gone sleeveless and boy is it nice! Yeah, they're not pretty at certain angles, but I don't care anymore...cool is good!

    Ah feelings, how I know what you are going through.

  6. Oh - I meant to tell you that it's so cool you've been with me since the first bike picture! :)

  7. It is really tough just feeling the feelings. I find myself sometimes just reading blogs and wanting to eat because others say things I feel but keep stuffed or have kept stuffed. I am trying to just live in the moment too. Happy haircut as a coworker use to say *smile*. Hope the tempts cool off for you soon.

  8. cant wait to hear what you think of W F & G.
    so far Ive resisted it and I love Geneen.
    There are a few tenets Im not sure I agree with...


  9. YOU SAID:
    "It is too damn hot to wear a sweater to cover my unsightly upper arms. So I am letting them just hang out. The longer I expose them the less uncomfortable I am about them. If other people don't like, well that is just too damn bad."

    I agree, Their feelings are their problem, not mine.



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