the next right thing, the next time

I had a pretty good weekend this past weekend. Saw some movies, Salt and Despicable Me. Liked them both. I called my daughter asked which kid she wanted to get rid of. The 4 year old of course. Man that kid can talk. And eat. He was a pretty good distraction. I knew if I was alone this weekend I would probably go into a self induced food coma. I skipped church. The Gson was not having it. I really didn't feel like fighting it. We went swimming and watched Harry and the Henderson's. Cute movie. Then we made the little meatloaves. His most fave. He probably ate 5 of them. The kid is skin and bone. Eats like a horse. God bless him.

No walking yesterday. Saturday was just short walk. My buddy needed to cut it short. I got in another 20 mins on the treadclimber. Felt like I was working harder, much harder. I am walking on the treadclimber for the rest of the week. Both buddies are taking this week off. I feel like I will get a better workout this way. I killed this morning. 40 mins. Dripping wet. Felt totally awesome! It's suppose to be cloudy and just 104 today, so I will probably ride the bike home.

Food over the weekend was interesting. I ate the 1st Big Mac that I have eaten in about 2 years. I never, ever do this. You know what.....I didn't even like it that much. Made me tummy alittle upset. The Gkid was dieing to go and they have that INDOOR playground, so I said ok. Seriously, I forgot how hard it is to say no a begging 4 year old. I wasn't "jonesing" for fast food. I simply had a sucky burger and now onto the next meal. That next drink of water. That next time on treadclimber. It didn't derail me from doing the next right thing, the next time. Amazing. I have thought about that this weekend. I consider that to be some kind of a victory.

I have lots of cleaning to do. I want things nice for when my sisters get here. Besides, I really need to go beyond just tidy. I am not a great housekeeper. I'm ok. I hate summer, I can't open the windows and air my tiny little place out. It's just too hot all the time. I am getting kind of nervous about my sisters coming. I get all I wish I had more, better, bigger...whatever. I am really pretty satisfied until I start comparing myself to others. My sisters really could care less. I know that it's all in my head. Kind of drives me crazy that I put so much energy into that kind of thinking.

So, I'd best get to back work. I didn't really think I had that much to say. I guess I did....who knew? Feeling bloggy blah again. I have been reading everybody, just not commenting. I know the more I put into this the more I get out of it. It a cycle.

Keep the mood and the food real..........


  1. I SO understand the big mac thing. For me, it's the IDEA of the junk that is wayyyy better than the junk. And as time goes on, the idea of the junk isn't all that great either.

    Next time you're looking for a kid to entertain, mine are reaalllllyyy cute . . . just saying.

  2. I understand the bloggy blah thing and have been similarly afflicted at different times. We just can't keep enthusiastic about everything all the time!

    I think it's great the Big Mac didn't derail you into a feeding frenzy. It probably would have done that to me!

  3. Oh yeah, after not eating fast food for a while, I went back and got a burger at one of the fast food made me ill. (I've fallen into the trap a few times...same results) I still occaisionally get a whiff of the smell of fast food....and it's tempting, but I remember how I felt and I curb the temptation.

  4. awww to persuasive little Gkids.

    I also had a bigmac last week. tasted vile. well bland. and then I was like wtf did I even order this?

    But on to the next thing, mlovely, on to the next.

  5. It really is about not letting one choice decide the next many. Way to go on a good weekend. Glad you and the gson had some quality time. I'm sure he loved having you all to himself *smile*.

  6. Such progress here, Dana. No beating yourself up, no mea culpas, just on to the next right thing.

    Marvelous! I saw Despicable Me, as well.

    I can relate to how you feel about comparisions. It can absolutely trip up my thinking. What helped was just entertaining more. Having people over needed to be less of a "big deal".

  7. I had a bloggy blah week a short time ago! Don't worry your mojo will come back with a bang :)

  8. Only 104 degrees.
    I got a little dehydrated yesterday.
    Paid the price today!
    But made up for lost time.

    Yay for us!

  9. I saw SALT this weekend too (gift to husband :) not my cup of tea) and ramona and beezus (loved. mama/daughter date) and weve seen despicable me twice already and as I type this Im thinking I need to get out more :)

    do more than movies perhaps?

    nah :)


  10. Saw Salt too. It was ridiculous and so much fun. I skipped my regular visits to the gym ... complicated schedule on Saturday ... no excuse on Sunday. Fortunately for me, I was never in to Big Macs. The Quarter Pounder? That's another story.

  11. I am not a Big Mac fan, but, I did have an In and Out burger over the weekend when I was on a short trip to Ca. Delicious. Not sure if they have in and out by you but might be worth a try with Gson one day. Good for you for getting back on track right away. Michele


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