Baby Z in 3D

Monday, Monday. Not feeling it this morning. Got my walk in early before work. 3 miles. My knee is kind of sore. UGH! So I am going to ice it. It's not crazy sore, just letting me know it's still there. Weekend was good. Saturday we went with my daughter and her family to see the 3D sonogram. Pretty cute and they got some really good pictures. After a few minutes of pushing and prodding Baby Z struck a pose and it was just amazing. Note the picture for proof.

It was my daughter's Bday gift to herself. She turned 27 Sunday. I am too damn young to have a kid that old. No really. She is a wonderful daughter that has a giving and sweet spirit. I wish I could help her more. I just live too far away and no car for now. I was able to go and help her yesterday for her Bday. Pre-made TJs little meatloaves. My Gkids could eat those everyday. Baked her a cake and told her to go shopping. She does love shopping. For her kids...always for her kids.

My eating has been just ok. Not using food like I was before my sister's visit. Not being too strict. Not feeling bad about it either. I have kept up my walking and have been eating in moderation. I am finding that I am settling into my new normal. With my son moving out and then not having a car, well my life really changed. I am adapting. Not feeling GREAT, but not feeling too bad either. I seem to be having little crying jags. Crying for no real reason. All in all though I think this release of emotion is good for me. At least I seem to feel better. All things considered. I am enduring, but now I seem to be enduring with a better over all out look.

My weight is up alittle. Not feeling bad about that either. I loved Shelly's post this morning. It really reinforced my thinking about food. For me it's not so much what I put in mouth. It's the intention behind it. If I have set the intention to be healthy and treat my body with loving kindness my choices are better. Never perfect, but better. Much much better. When I go into the day with a shitty attitude, well then my choices are shitty as well. Thanks for that post this morning. Made me think...thanks!

Keep the mood and the food real................



  1. That is so cool to get to see the new baby in 3D - love how you can do that these days! Lord, I feel old just writing that sentence! I know how you feel about your children turning older - that doesn't mean we are getting older, right?!?

    What I love about my post today are all of the great, insightful comments - and yours was really helpful to me, so thank you.

    Have a good day, my friend!

  2. Those 3D sonograms are just amazing! Remember all of those images in the old days where the tech had to actually show you which parts actually looked like a human? Just incredible.

  3. Glad you are going along and feeling ok about things. As for helping your daughter, I think you do a great job with taking the gkids when you can. When I hear you talk of going over there are taking them I wish my kids had a grannie like that. Mike's mom is great but she's far away. Anyway, sounds like you are good and cool you got to see the 3d baby *smile*.

  4. those pictures are amazing! Very cool!

    I love those lil meat loaves! YUM!

  5. Wow - what amazing pictures. Technology sure has changed.

    My daughter is 27, as well. How did THEY get so old? :-)

  6. Cute picture!!

    I'm glad you are settling into your lifestyle, that is a good place to be in!

  7. Keeping up a good attitude makes all the difference for me, too, in my eating. And we have so many things to be thankful for that having a good attitude shouldn't be such a hard thing. We can do hard things :)

    What a cutie-patootie. Wow. I'm blown away at what we can see now.

    It's all the changes that make us sad sometimes. Time to adjust is what it takes. I hope you are feeling better soon.


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