
Showing posts from September, 2015

Lazy Sunday

A lazy Sunday watching Netflix resting my back and my hip. I have the afternoon to myself. Eating not been so good. I haven't walked in a few days because my hip is been really acting up. Not going to freak and I am just up a pound. I am in it for the long hall. I will just keep pressing forward. LDS women's meeting was last night. My biggest take away from that meeting was that life is made up of moments. Choose to be happy in the moment. I know for me that's when I feel joy. When I am in the moment and it always involves people that I love.  Also associate with people that make you want to be better. I feel surrounded with those kinds of people. Everybody needs their very own cheerleader. I try to be a cheerleader in return.  Back to Netflix!  Keep the mood and the food real........

Day 2

Wow! I made it to another day. Things are going good. I had a egg white sausage and cheese omelet. It was delish. Then I went for a 2 mile walk. I love waking up early and getting out now that it is a little  cooler. I have almost all my homework done. That never happens. I really enjoy the family history classes.  Cassie and the girls went to see Wicked last night. Tonight Dan and Cassie will go see Def Leopard. Lots of fun.  Keep the mood and the food real......................

Never Give Up

     I was pretty sure I had forgotten how to even use blogger. Blogger didn't make it easy, but I figured it out. I have really started to get down to business in the weight loss department. Looking for a way to be held accountable and successful. I know that keeping a journal was I huge reason for my success a few years ago. I weighed this morning and I weighed 229.6 lbs. That is down from my highest regain weight of 255. I am doing using a Weight Watcher app and it has really helped. Started walking again about a year ago with a new walking buddy, but have not been consistent. I will walk about 3-4 days a week. Better then nothing, but not good enough. Will do better. Ok let's see if I can do this again tomorrow! Keep the mood and the food real........................