Lazy Sunday

A lazy Sunday watching Netflix resting my back and my hip. I have the afternoon to myself. Eating not been so good. I haven't walked in a few days because my hip is been really acting up.

Not going to freak and I am just up a pound. I am in it for the long hall. I will just keep pressing forward. LDS women's meeting was last night. My biggest take away from that meeting was that life is made up of moments. Choose to be happy in the moment. I know for me that's when I feel joy. When I am in the moment and it always involves people that I love. 

Also associate with people that make you want to be better. I feel surrounded with those kinds of people. Everybody needs their very own cheerleader. I try to be a cheerleader in return. 

Back to Netflix! 

Keep the mood and the food real........


  1. You know what? I think you are in a good place. Yes, you have had some not so good days. Recognize it and fix it and move on. This is the long haul....and we will have those periods!!!!! How we react to those times is exactly what makes us winners or losers....NOT the fact that we have those periods in our lives.

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