Things I am grateful for this morning
Things that I am grateful for this morning!
That I saw 2 new dogs on my walk this morning. I like dogs, but only when they aren't mine.
That it looks like I am not going to get the help I thought I was going to get to move, but strangely I am not freaking out...progress, no? I am not on any time limit, just my own. I want out of here and to have an orderly house again.
That my garden is still thriving despite this heat. AND that I get to take it with me. It's all in pots! Smartest move I made this summer.
That I have picked out who I am going to write my in class essay about and have actually written some notes. The day the the assignment was given! Who am I? Did I say that I am loving school?
That I walked 2 miles this morning. Blisters are still a little raw. I keep forgetting to get those socks Dawn told me about.
Sleep was a little better. Still dreamed I was lost in Walmart. Weird, right?? Just couldn't get home. I knew it was a dream wh...