I feel the love
Feeling so much better. When I hit publish I knew I felt better. Thank you so much for the supportive comments. I decided to get dressed and go to a funeral. Yep, a funeral. It was for the Gma of my dearest walking buddy. She was also the Gma of my bro-in-law in Japan. He lived with them for many years and wasn't able to make it. So I went as the family rep. I got to cry. I got to cry with others. Grief and sadness are minimized when you share your tears. I cried for so many different reasons. It was cleansing . I felt a huge release. I am on my way to Spouts. To get fruit and veggies. I drank so much water before the funeral that I had to pee twice. I had the worst bags under my eyes this morning. UGLY! Anyway, doing in good in that area. I am then going to see Robin Hood with friend. I am going to stay awake and go to bed early ( not crazy early ) to help with the night time food thing. I got the nerve to ask a friend to help me get into a car. She s...