GOING DOWN....slowly but surely
I managed to loose 1 lb this week. For not really working it I will be very happy. I am very close to Onederland. I think I am going to skip walking today. Or just walk a couple of miles. I hate to leave crazy L.L. alone, but I might if I feel like she will be ok for 30 mins. Tomorrow will be a long walk. Then I am going to watch my 5 year Gson play football. It will my S.I.L.'s baptism tomorrow. He asked me to give a talk on the Holy Ghost, so I am going to work on that today at work. Yesterday I asked L.L.'s son to give us both blessings. I need some Divine Intervention. It seemed to go better. She wasn't any less crazy, it's just I seemed to endure it better. I tried to detach from the begging and insisted on doing what "I" (the professional) thought was best. She was very upset, but it was a quite rage. Her son was there and he just did what I did. So she was mad at both of us. Better she be mad then in a paranoid delusion. It's sad and it just makes m...